
French Rosin of the Bernardel brand

Which rosin is the best? Our long years of experience and recommendations from our violin making workshop are why we are including Gustave Bernardel brand rosin in our selection of accessories for stringed instruments

With its smooth-handling design and its outstanding consistency, Bernardel rosin is remarkably easy...

Which rosin is the best? Our long years of experience and recommendations from our violin making workshop are why we are including Gustave Bernardel brand rosin in our selection of accessories for stringed instruments

With its smooth-handling design and its outstanding consistency, Bernardel rosin is remarkably easy to apply and can be used sparingly. This is an important characteristic, since it simplifies things for dedicated musicians who regularly clean and rosin their violin bows. Furthermore, Bernardel rosin creates ideal playing properties under a wide variety of ambient conditions and perfectly enhances the effect of a bow that has acclimated to its instrument. This top-quality rosin proudly bears the name of the historic luthier Gustave Bernardel, whose workshops made history in the field of violin bow making as well. By the way: this rosin works well with any violin bow, viola bow and cello bow.

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French Rosin of the Bernardel brand
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