The student violin: answers to frequently asked questions

Advice on the purchase of a student violin: definition of the student violin size, answers to frequently asked questions about old or a new instruments

When you play first violin in an orchestra, you need an especially good instrument, a fact which no one in the ensemble would dispute. The "first violin" in the life of a budding musician, however, is often something else entirely. Many parents looking for the right violin size for their children's beginning music lessons are confronted with a dilemma: on the one hand, the family budget is limited, and no one knows in advance whether the youngster in question will turn into the next Paganini or if the violin-lesson project will die of natural causes within a few months. On the other hand, it is equally true that having the wrong student violin will prevent playing from being fun, and without that enjoyment, the child's musical education will invariably get off on the wrong foot. Student violin of the CV Selectio seriesUltimately only few parents are knowledgeable experts who can assess the correct violin size, the value and musical qualities of a student violin with confidence. So how does one go about finding the right violin? Here you will find a few answers to common questions about "first violins".

Content overview:

  • The student violin: the perfect companion for aspiring violinists
  • What size should a student violin be?
  • Older violins, newer violins: which are better for students?
  • What makes more sense: buying a student violin or leasing a violin?

The student violin: the perfect companion for aspiring violinists

The student violin is a popular instrument for young musicians who want to embark on their journey into the world of violin music. It is specifically designed for beginners and students, offering a variety of advantages that make learning the violin and making progress easier.

What size should a student violin be?

We have compiled a size chart and notes on the appropriate measurements for small violins on another page: Guide on how to determine the proper student violin size

Older violins, newer violins: which are better for students?

Given the wide range of brand-new factory-made student violins available, many people do not even ask themselves the latter question, even though the world of historic stringed instruments offers many appealing opportunities, especially for aspiring young musicians. For centuries, children have been taking violin lessons, and violin makers throughout the generations have created instruments that are the right size for younger players. Smaller historic violins often share a particular richness in sound which only such older instruments can develop. And even school children – whom you should never underestimate! – appreciate knowing and feeling and hearing that their student violin dates back to their great-grandmother's time. This sense of fascination can motivate younger students and encourage them to develop a relationship to their instrument, to keep picking it up and playing it. And that relationship can help bridge the thornier periods in which things don't sound quite the way they should or the student has to slog through a series of monotonous exercises and scales.

This of course is not to say that there are no good new student violins for beginners; the point is simply that in shops you will come across newer pieces automatically, while historic student violins are still quite the inside tip. Despite featuring professional violins Corilon violins has successfully specialized in offering quality smaller-sized instruments which we present in a separate category in our online catalogue. Like all our instruments, they have been set up by a luthier in our shop and are ready to play – which is something that cannot always be said of many cheaper new violins and often involves further costs. By contrast, our student violins allow your child to begin lessons right away. 

What makes more sense: buying a student violin or leasing a violin?

Good sounding and affordable new violin sets starting from € 490 and good historic violins can be found for around € 490 -  990 or less at the Corilon online violin shop and generally rank among the most affordable old stringed instruments available, even though it is just as costly to produce them as it is to make normal-sized instruments. Another interesting option is our trade guarantee with which we can accompany young virtuosi in their musical development. If you are looking for a more affordable approach, local violin makers or music schools often have rental options for factory sets and other beginner violins.


Information and further violin-related reading:

Definition of the violin wolf tone: Taming the wolf in a stringed instrument

The violin: practical tips on care and maintenance

Finding a student violin in the proper size

How to select a violin, provenance, value and violin appraisal

The violin bow: practical tips on care and maintenance

Selling your violin to Corilon violins

The history of the violin bow

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