Edwin Lothar Herrmann: Professional viola bow

Professional viola bow by Lothar Herrmann, Markneukirchen

In the context of the Vogtland region's multifaceted bow-making tradition, the Herrmann name stands for a veritable dynasty of excellent master craftsmen dating back to the early 18th century. This fine E. L. Herrmann viola bow - which was never played and is preserved in like-new condition from a...

Professional viola bow by Lothar Herrmann, Markneukirchen

In the context of the Vogtland region's multifaceted bow-making tradition, the Herrmann name stands for a veritable dynasty of excellent master craftsmen dating back to the early 18th century. This fine E. L. Herrmann viola bow - which was never played and is preserved in like-new condition from a collection - features the family crest on the frog as a self-confident expression of their standing, and Edwin Lothar Herrmann's original stamp can be seen on the stick. It is clearly a masterpiece in the style which was prevalent in the 1950/1960s, and it is probably one of E. L. Herrmann's late pieces; until 1960 he worked under his own name but remained at his father's atelier in Markneukirchen-Schönlind. The octagonal stick of dark reddish-brown pernambuco is of medium strength. Its well-crafted head reflects Edwin Lothar Herrmann's talent and the good training he received from his father and grandfather. The ebony frog with silver mountings is decorated by a mother-of-pearl eye, a white slide and a three-part button. Its balance point is perceived as being in the upper half of the bow stick. The viola bow weighs 67 g and has wonderful playing characteristics. It is in outstanding condition. With its large, warm, dark sound, it is worthy of our special recommendation. 

€ 1,890.00
approx. £ 1,606.50
Inventory no.
Edwin Lothar Herrmann
mid 20th century
large, mature and clear, precise
66,9 g
Edwin Lothar Herrmann: Professional viola bow
Edwin Lothar Herrmann: Professional viola bow
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