Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli

Italian violin made in Napoli in 1976, illegibly signed Antonio Io..xxx. The one-piece top is made of medium grained spruce, the one-piece back of mildly flamed field maple with soft, flowing flames. The unconventional scroll in the Neapolitan tradition is carved from unflamed maple. This interesting Italian violin is in excellent condition, the...

Italian violin made in Napoli in 1976, illegibly signed Antonio Io..xxx. The one-piece top is made of medium grained spruce, the one-piece back of mildly flamed field maple with soft, flowing flames. The unconventional scroll in the Neapolitan tradition is carved from unflamed maple. This interesting Italian violin is in excellent condition, the sound is mature, bright and sweet with a soft character in the lower ranges.

€ 5,990.00
approx. £ 5,091.50
Inventory no.
Antonio Io..xx
mellow, mature
Length of back
35.4 cm
Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli
Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli
Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli
Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli
Old Italian violin, Antonio Io..xxx 1976, Napoli
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